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Travelling with Thomas is a folk musical in the making, the next exciting project from Morris Offspring's creator, Laurel Swift. Forced to travel to Fairyland, Thomas is helped and hindered as he tries to find a safe way home. It is a talr of fairness, love, truth and time. Meet Laurel (composer) and Lizzie Watts (designer) as they conclude a year;s exploration of folk legend, Thomas the Rhymer. This 4th and final showcase is a summary of the perilous journey so far and a tantalizing insight into what's to come!  

Paul Sartin - Debs Chalmers - Sarah Moody - Harriet Riley - Benji Kirkaptrick - Hazel Askew -Ben Moss - Nick Janaway

The New Room 

Horsefair, Bristol  |  7.30pm  |  Thurs 12 Apr 2018

Gunnersbury Park Museum

Gunnersbury  |  1pm  |  Monday 23 Apr 2018

Cecil Sharp House

Camden  |  7.30pm  |  Tuesday 24 Apr 2018

Please follow the above ticket links for full pricing and venue details.

Limited tickets available on the door. Book early to avoid disappointment.

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